The history of the Insuright Brokers Group can be traced back to 1971 when Insubest Limited was incorporated on 22 October 1971 in Hong Kong. At beginning, Insubest Limited was very active on life insurance business. Due to the development of other insurance business, in 1977, the Group set up Insuright Limited which is now the Insuright Insurance Brokers Limited. Thereafter, the business of the Group grew rapidly. On 16 April 1985, the Group formed the Insuright Employee Benefits Limited. In the same year on 10 May, the Group re-named Insubest Limited as Insubest Life Brokers Limited. Due to the launch of the MPF schemes in 2000 and the rapid growth in financial services, on 14 Jan 2000, the Group further re-named Insubest Life Brokers Limited as Insubest Financial & MPF Planning Limited (Insubest Financial). Insubest Financial focus its business in retirement planning and wealth management serving all kind of customers.
Insubest Financial, Insuright Employee Benefits Limited, and Insuright Insurance Brokers Limited together form the Insuright Brokers Group. Each member company of the Group has its expertise and focus of service. The Group commits it’s best professional know how to provide clients with the best quality of service.
Insubest Financial is a member of The Hong Kong Confederation of Insurance Brokers since 10 November 1994, and is a registered intermediary with the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority. Insubest Financial is also licensed to carry on advising on securities regulated by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong since 1995.
Insubest Financial is authorized to provide all lines of insurance services, and our focus is on serving various clients for Mutual Funds and Unit Trust Funds investment, various types of life insurance, and MPF & ORSO schemes.
Insubest Financial has good knowledge of the market and has access to multi insurance carriers and product providers to meet expectation of both individual and corporate clients. We are independent professional insurance advisers not tied to any product providers as we are providing unbiased insurance advice and professional services to our clients. Since 1971, we have developed a client base with loyal customers, a long history of proven track records of service satisfaction.
保宜經紀集團起源於一九七一年,在當年十月二十二日成立時以保泰有限公司命名,並以人壽保險為主要業務。其後集團因開創其他保險業務,並於一九七七年成立保宜有限公司即現在的保宜保險經紀有限公司,由於業務的提升,集團於是在一九八五年四月十六日成立保宜福利顧問有限公司,並在同一年五月十日, 將保泰有限公司改名稱為保泰壽險經紀有限公司,其後在二千年強積金的面世及投資服務的需求日增,因此集團於二千年一月十四日改以保泰理財之名專注提供退休金及理財服務。
保泰理財以其豐富的市場經驗,能為各大機構及個人客戶選擇最適合的保險公司或投資產品。我們是獨立保險顧問,為客戶服務時,提供不偏不倚的專業保險意見, 自一九七一年起,我們擁有長久的忠心客戶及歷史攸久的良好服務記錄。